In spite of wanting the clause about staying two years to be deleted, I signed the legal contract after a few minor changes were made and initialed in the margin. 尽管很想删掉关于工作二年的那一条,但在做了一些较小的变动后,我签署了法律合同并在页边签字。
This agreement is like a contract between the parties, and can, in fact, be a legal contract. 这个协议就像各方之间的契约,而且可以成为事实上的具有法律效力的合同。
A warranty is a legal contract, so you can take the company to court if they don't honour it. 担保是一种法律合同,这样你就可以采取公司向法院如果他们不遵守。
But Buffet explained that this promise is mainly on morality not a legal contract. 但巴菲特解释说,这项承诺主要是道义性的,并不是法律合同。
Draft, review, and safe keep legal documents and contract; 起草、审核、保管各类合同和文件;
Regulations are also made on the functions and legal status of contract in the Chinese law according to the international practice. 中国的法律也遵照国际惯例,对合同的作用和法律地位做了规定。
If approved by the city assembly, the law would offer engaged couples a legal contract outlining how much a man or woman can recoup if he or she gets jilted at the altar. 如果该提案在市民大会上通过,那么按照该法案规定,新人们在订婚后可签订一份具有法律效力的协议,其中规定在婚礼当天不幸被对方抛弃的一方所能获得的赔偿。
The South Korean earphone and headset maker stressed that it had a legal consulting contract with the apple executive to receive information about trends in the US market. 这家韩国耳机生产商强调,该公司与这位苹果高管签订过合法的咨询合同,以获取有关美国市场趋势的信息。
Just as it is not a good idea to hire a technical writer to write a legal contract, one would not use a technical translator to attempt a literary translation. 正如它不是一个好主意,聘请一位技术作家写法律合同,人会不会使用的技术翻译,以尝试文学翻译。
I was speaking on the basis of a legal contract, not a social contract. 我是根据法律契约讲的,而不是根据社会契约。
Contract negotiation, whether through an internal project charter or external legal contract, isn't a bad practice, just an insufficient one. 合同谈判,无论是通过内部的项目章程或外部的法律合同,不能说是不好的做法,只是这还不够。
To discuss legal contract form is help to understand free of contact form and exactly apply the laws. 探讨法定的合同形式对于正确理解合同形式自由、正确适应法律具有重要的意义。
Social contract Legal Contract Governmental Responsibility 社会契约·法律契约·政府责任
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Legal Contract Form 合同法定形式效力浅析
The obligation of informing regulated by Chinese malpractice law is to some extent soft, which is a kind of legal contract obligation embodying the blend of legality and promise. 《医疗事故处理条例》规定的医疗机构义务是“软义务”。医疗机构的告知义务是一种法定的合同义务,体现了法定性和意定性的交融。
Legal type is the necessary request of legal contract form. EDI contract is special and not written one, but it is valid. EDI合同是一种其他形式的合同,不宜将其归入书面形式,但应肯定其法律效力;
Legal type is the necessary request of legal contract form. 法定合同形式的类型主要包括一般书面形式与特殊书面形式。
Socrates ′ death itself is a paradox: how ethic judgment and legal contract ′ s clashes are reconciled by value. 苏格拉底之死本身就是一个“悖论”伦理审判与法律契约的冲突如何得到价值的“和解”。
Although the Contract Law on contract forms has complemented new stipulations in accordance with market economy, there is still devoid of definite stipulation of legal quality and validity of legal contract forms. Thus, it results in different interpretations and practice in theoretical jurisprudence and its practice. 《合同法》在合同形式方面做出了许多与市场经济相适应的新规定,但由于对法定形式的法律性质和效力缺乏明确规定,引起法学理论和审判实践上的诸多不同理解和做法。
Traditional social capital modern social capital, social capital positiveness social capital negativeness, ethical contract legal contract, traditional trust modern trust, purposive reciprocity purposeless reciprocity, etc. 传统性社会资本现代性社会资本、社会资本积极性社会资本消极性、伦理契约法理契约、传统性信任现代性信任、理性互惠非理性互惠等。
This kind of relationship should not be differently treated according to different school ownership and not exclude the legal contract between the school and the student or the guardian. 这种关系不应因学校性质的不同而区别对待,且不排除学校和学生或其监护人的合法约定。
Being inspected and approved is different a legal contract& questioning the second term of Interpretation of Applicable Law of Certifying Construction Contract Cases 验收合格不等于合同合法&对《关于审理建设工程施工合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》第二条的质疑
The legal valid contract has the serious binding force of law to privy, and also the privy can remove the valid pact in accordance with the prescription in the contract. 合法有效的合同,既对当事人有严格的法律约束力,当事人又可以依据合同法中的规定解除有效成立的合同。
The Contract Law of china has well established the system of Legal Contract Rescission on the basis of the amending of Economic Law, Technical Law and Foreign Economic Contract Law. 我国现行合同法在对《经济合同法》、《技术合同法》及《涉外经济合同法》修改的基础上,建立了比较完善的合同法定解除制度。
The Spear represents the power based on the law and legal contract. 矛所代表的是法律和契约为基础的权力。
Generally speaking, legal valid contract has serious binding forces of law to both interested parties, who have to fulfill obligations in conformity with contract strictly, neither parties has the right of dissolving contract randomly. 通常情况下,有效成立的合同对当事人双方都具有法律约束力,双方都必须严格按照合同的约定来履行义务,任何一方都不得随意解除合同。
The interests of a third legal relationship contract system is divided into two parts, the basic structure, and second, because relations. 为第三人利益合同制度的法律关系分为两部分,一是基本结构,二是原因关系。
The second part is a legal contract termination conditions of the legislation and comparative analysis theory. 第二部分为合同法定解除条件的立法例及学说比较分析。
Second is the analysis of the basic concept. It not only tells the definition of psychological contract and psychological contract of university teachers, but also explains the differences between psychological contract and Legal contract, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, employee expectations. 第二部分是对基本概念的辨析,主要介绍了心理契约与高校教师心理契约,及其与法定契约、组织承诺、组织公民行为、员工期望的区别。
Business agency agreement ( BAA) refers to the legal contract in which the rights and obligations between the Principal and the Agent is clearly stipulated. 商务代理协议是用以明确委托人和代理人之间权利与义务的法律合同。